For Students
Personal Instruction in Martial Arts at Eastbourne
Our Martial Arts Centre in Eastbourne offers personalised instruction in a traditional Korean Martial Arts system. Established in 1992, our school is dedicated to helping students develop confidence, self-control, self-defence skills, and overall fitness levels. We provide flexible learning options, including private tuition tailored to individual needs. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced practitioner, our instructors are committed to helping you achieve your martial arts goals in a fun and engaging environment.

Established in 1992, our school teaches a traditional Korean Martial Arts system aimed at developing students’ confidence, self-control, self-defence skills, and overall fitness levels. We welcome students from age 3 to adults of all fitness levels and capabilities, providing a fun and engaging environment for martial arts training.
In a regular class, it is not always possible for the instructor to focus entirely on one student. Therefore, we sometimes rely on training partners to help students learn the various aspects of martial arts. With Private Tuition, the instructor is your partner for every technique, allowing them to physically feel all your movements and provide instant feedback on every detail. The instructor is there to observe your performance and make necessary corrections.
All Private Tuition classes are organised and conducted by the instructor at our full-time facility in Eastbourne. The instructor will discuss with the student and their parent(s)/guardian(s) or the adult concerned what they would like to focus on and achieve. Great care will be taken to identify a student’s strengths and weaknesses.
Private Tuition classes are 60 minutes long and can be conducted on a one-to-one basis or in groups of two, three, or a maximum of four students, depending on need. If you wish to hone your martial arts skills to an even higher level, please ask at the front desk for more information and the cost of Private Tuition.
The Martial Arts Centre has set policies on Health, Safety and Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults. All school instructors and staff members who regularly come into contact with children and vulnerable adults are checked with the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS), and adult instructors are covered with the appropriate Public Liability Insurance.
For safety reasons, students must not leave the training or spectator area except to go to the toilet. If a student wishes to leave the training or spectator area for any reason, permission must be obtained from an instructor. Only practising students are allowed into the practice area. Although at the Martial Arts Centre we have an open-door policy, i.e. we do not do anything behind closed doors, we respectfully ask parents/guardians who are spectating not to intervene while a training session is in progress. They should also be aware that very young children who are not practising must be kept in sight and under control at all times and must not, under any circumstances, be allowed to wander into the practice area. Thank you for your understanding in these important matters.
Now that you have ‘discovered’ martial arts, it is perfectly natural for you to want to learn as much as you can. However, do not expect to learn a ‘new’ technique every time you visit the class. Also, do not ask the instructor or students of a higher grade to teach you a new technique. The instructor will teach you something new when they consider you are ready to learn. Do not expect to learn too much too quickly; rather, learn enough well, and at all times remember… patience is a virtue!
With the comprehensive syllabus that you will be taught, there are a number of techniques that, in their ultimate application, can potentially be very dangerous. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that at all times you are fully aware of what it is you are learning, and that you only use these techniques in regular training, testing, official displays, or in circumstances where you are attacked and/or are in fear of your life.
Regular martial arts training promotes an improved level of health and fitness. However, if when you come to train you are not feeling well, or are suffering from an injury or medical condition for which you may have medication with you, it is very important that you inform the instructor at the beginning of the lesson. Also, if you are suffering from any medical condition affecting your feet, e.g. verruca or athlete’s foot, you must wear socks and/or training shoes, so that other members are not affected. In general, toenails and fingernails should be kept short to avoid causing injury to yourself or another member.
It is highly recommended you do not bring any jewellery or valuables of any kind to the class. If you do, please do not give them to any of the instructors or members of staff to look after for you, as they will refuse to accept responsibility for the item/s. The Martial Arts Centre, its instructors and staff, assume no responsibility—under any circumstances—for loss of property of any kind.
The safety advice given by the instructor should always be followed. In the event of an accident or injury, stop what you are doing and report it to an instructor as soon as possible. The instructor will assess the injury and take the appropriate action, including recording it in the accident book.
Traditional martial arts training necessarily involves the use of military-style training. The seemingly tough methods which are used are designed to improve fitness, build character and confidence, instil discipline, and create an indomitable spirit. Please remember these methods have a purpose and at all times, the instructors have the children’s best interests at heart.
Occasionally, the instructor may take, or appoint somebody to take, photographs or video/DVD recordings for editorial or promotional purposes. If any member does not wish to be photographed or filmed, please inform the instructor. Any parent/guardian of a child under the age of 18, not wishing their child to be photographed or filmed, must inform the instructor. Any member or parent wishing to do photography and/or video/DVD recording of their family or friends must first get permission from the instructor.
The Martial Arts Centre, nor its instructors or staff, can be held responsible for children once a class has officially ended. However, being a responsible class, we would not leave a young child alone and unattended. Regrettably, because in the past, instructors/staff have had to wait for anything up to an hour for a parent/guardian to arrive after the class has finished, unless there are serious or mitigating circumstances.
At the Eastbourne School, there is ‘No Parking’ outside the Centre, only dropping off and picking up. Pay and Display in ‘Iceland’ and ‘The Beacon’, or alternatively, on-street parking away from the cul-de-sac in which the Centre is situated. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
At our Martial Arts Centre Schools, we strive to provide a great, family-oriented, friendly, safe, and secure environment where both juniors and adults can train. Our instructors are carefully chosen, undergo rigorous instructor training courses, and are checked by the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS). However, regarding appropriate/inappropriate communication, we do not wish to make value judgements or interfere in the private lives of club members, but we do have a responsibility towards our students in all matters related to Kuk Sool, as that is the basis of our relationship with all our school members.
At all times, the instructors of the Martial Arts Centre have the safety and protection of the students at the forefront of their minds. Therefore, the following rules are put in place to protect our students and children. Thank you for your understanding in these matters.
No adult member aged 16 and over from the Martial Arts Centre Eastbourne should communicate with a junior under the age of 16 from our school or another Martial Arts Centre Eastbourne outside of class, who is not related to that junior member, through electronic communication. This includes all forms of media, but is not limited to things such as phone, text, instant messaging, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
Any adult member who is found to be communicating with a junior in this way, who is not related to that junior member, will be asked to leave the school with immediate and permanent effect. Any adult who receives communication from a junior member should inform their instructor immediately so that the junior member can be appropriately educated regarding the issue.
No junior member under the age of 16 from the Martial Arts Centre Eastbourne should communicate with an adult aged 16 and over from our school or another Martial Arts Centre Eastbourne outside of class, who is not related to that adult member, through electronic communication. This includes all forms of media, but is not limited to things such as phone, text, instant messaging, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
If a junior member is found to be communicating with an adult Martial Arts Centre Eastbourne student who is not related to that junior member, then in the first instance, the parent/s or guardian/s of that child will be informed to take the appropriate action to stop such communication. If after consultation with the parent/s or guardian/s, the junior member is still found to be communicating with that adult, then that junior will be asked to leave the school with immediate effect. They will be eligible to return to the school upon reaching the age of 16, at which age they are deemed responsible for their own actions.
Any junior member wishing to communicate with an adult member/instructor should do so at the class or via the official Martial Arts Centre ‘public’ Facebook page or website email.
Main Classes | Little Ninjas | Juniors, Youth, Adult | 2nd and 3rd Family members | 4th and 5th Family Member |
Once Per Week | £30.00 | £35.00 | 10% Discount | Free |
Twice Per Week | £45.00 | £50.00 | 10% Discount | Free |
Once per week is sufficient for White and Yellow Belts.
We recommend twice per week from Blue Belt onwards, due the number of forms and techniques students must learn to achieve their next Belt.
Weapons Classes | Juhl Bong Yellow Belt | Staff Blue Belt | Sword Red Belt |
Monthly | £5.00 | £5.00 | £5.00 |
Our Fast Track Weapons Classes are an optional addition to your training.
Weapons classes increase by £5.00 with every new weapon added.
Weapons can be purchased from us. All weapons must be carried in a bag or case.
These classes are only compulsory for Brown Belts, who wish to apply for their Black Belt.
Sparring Class | All belts, except Little Ninjas |
Monthly | £15.00 |
Sparring classes can be added from White Belt to your training.
Tournament regulations say that foam pads must be used.
All students must wear a gum shield and boys and men and boys must wear a groin guard.
Unlimited plan | One Family member | Two Family members | Three Family members |
Per month | £70 | £110 | £140 |
Per person | £70 | £55.00 | £46.66 |
All classes are included in this except Archery and Acro, any workshops, seminars, and tournaments.
Belt Grading | Per Person | Retake |
Any belt | £30.00 | Free |
Retaking a grading for a belt is free until the student passes.
Little Ninjas will be invited to the grading.
Additional classes (Not compulsory) | Private lesson | Korean Archery |
Per student | £35 per hour | £10.00 per session |
Kuk Sool has a certain level of acrobatic skills and these need to be practiced on a regular basis to build the strength and flexibility of these skills.
Korean Archery is a part of our Kuk Sool training which takes time and practice. We are hoping that in the future it will be included in the tournaments here in the UK as they are in South Korea.

Enhance Your Martial Arts Skills With Personalised Instruction Today!

24 Longstone Rd, Eastbourne BN21 3SN, UK
Phone: 07795160123
Email: martialartseastbourne@gmail.com
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